Ads Manager Ads Layer Overview

Quick insights on how to monitor Custom Product Page (CPP) vs Default Product Page performances

alperen alkan avatar
Written by alperen alkan
Updated over a week ago

With the advent of CPPs, now it is possible to target specific audiences with different ad variations and customize the product pages based on different targets. You can create up to 35 Custom Product Pages through App Store Connect with different promotional texts, screenshots, and app previews to engage better with your audience. You can match your ad groups with different CPPs, and align your assets depending on your keyword themes and audience refinements. users can now manage their ad variants through Ads Manager. Ad variant analytics can also be easily displayed within the dashboard in the Ads layer. To be able to assign Campaign or Ad Group level CPPs, monitor, and compare the performance of the custom vs default product pages simply follow the below:

  1. To assign a CPP to a certain campaign, go to Ads Manager and click on +Create:

At the very end of the Campaign Creation page, in the Ad Creative section, you can assign a custom product page to the created campaign.

2. To assign a CPP to a certain ad group under a campaign, simply follow the same steps as above. Go to the Ads Manager > Campaigns > Ad Groups, and create the ad group by clicking on the +Create sign:

Same as the campaign creation steps, at the end of the Ad Group Creation page, in the Ad Creative section, you can assign a custom product page to the created ad group.

3. To monitor the metrics from spending to impressions, taps, installs, CPA, CPT, CPM, TTR, or CR, go to the Ads Manager > Ads Layer and you will be seeing a list of default and custom product pages with the campaign, ad group, and specific metric breakdowns by scrolling right:

Hope this helps!

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